You won't even recognize it from what it was before; it is so different. It took some getting used to having a wall there all of the sudden. But we couldn't be happier with how it turned out. Anyway, here is what it looked like BEFORE:

I'll admit, I was a little sad about getting rid of the chalk wall. It was really fun. But since I was going to put the baby's crib right under these windows, I knew it had to go. There are always opportunities for chalk to go somewhere, so I'm not too worried. Maybe it will reincarnate and show up somewhere else in the house. ;) I am thrilled to have lost that horrid ceiling fan though. RIP (or at the Goodwill) ugly fan!
Here is what the room looks like now. Scroll to the bottom for a full source list.
I ended up doing golds, grays and rosey pinks for the room colors. I know some of you are probably thinking, "OMG, she did pink!" And you're right. I hate pink. I originally wanted to do a mauve-y/dusty rose color but could not find bedding or accessories in the exact color I wanted, so I settled on this soft rosey/coral color instead. The bedding from Land of Nod was so pretty; it really sold me on it. And you know what? I really like it. I think that its a sweet color for when the girls are this young and with the pops of gold, it is a color combo that can grow with them. And if they really want to get sassy later on we can easily add pops of black and white.
I plan on adding a picture of Miss Everly (our newest baby! I've got to think of a blog name for her) to this wall right next to the picture of me pregnant with her. All the photography in the room was done by Everly's godmother and our good friend, Elizabeth Renea Photography. Her work is amazing. I only wished she lived closer!

The armoire has worked out better than I could have imagined. I just added a tension rod inside and was able to put all of the girl's hanging clothes in there. There are also a few shelves inside too that can be adjusted if need be. We are still working on finding (or making if we have to) some bins to go under the bunk bed for more storage in the room. I was able to get all the big girl's clothes into the room and all the bedding and blankets, but I couldn't quite squeeze in Everly's clothes. So right now her clothes are in limbo in the hallway outside their bedroom. I am hoping that once I get something I like for under the bed I can shift things around and get her clothes into the dresser.
There were so many projects that went into this room, that it is hard to believe it's finally done. From actually getting the wall built, to finding the perfect armoire, to making the chandelier.... It's really cool to now be able to see it completed after all the dreaming and planning.
I stole this little bin from our pantry just for this photo shoot, but I like the animals in there so much, that now I think I need to find a permanent basket for holding the girl's "toys of the day".
Here are some before and afters close together so you can really see the change that happened. The chalk wall BEFORE:
I realized that I hadn't gotten this angle of the room, so I went in there and took this quick shot (you may notice the changing pad cover is different).....Shh! The baby is sleeping behind that quilt. Or trying to. Kinda hard when her mama comes in and opens all the shades and turns on all the lights. Poor baby.
Hope you enjoyed seeing the full transformation of our upstairs open playroom into the girl's new bedroom. Happy Friday!
See below for full source list and leave a comment if I missed anything you were wondering about.
Crib: Gracco "Victoria" (bought at Target)
Dresser: IKEA
Changing pad cover: Amazon (the one with gold polka dots was Land of Nod)
Basket for diapers: Home Goods
Bunny nightlight: Anthropologie
Roman Shades: I made them! Maybe I'll do a post one day on those.
Growth Chart: Made by me (inspired by Dear Lillie)
Little giraffe: Jelly Cat
White and gold shoes: TOMS
Quilt: My mother made to match the colors in the room
Coral blankets: Little Giraffe
Gold wings: Etsy
Fabric letters: Made by me
Curtains: My mother made for Princess in our old rental home and I just held onto them. They work perfectly in here!
Curtain rod: Joann Fabrics (Then painted gold)
Pom Pom tiebacks: I just made them using some trim and Velcro from Joann Fabrics.
Fox and Owl animals: Jelly Cat
Rocking chair: Local store "Go To Your Room" (bought for Princess when she was a baby. I am so glad we have gotten so much use out of it)
Lumbar pillow: Target (found this recently and couldn't believe how perfectly it goes!)
Armoire: Craigslist (The color came like this and I am absolutely in love!)
Dreamcatcher: Made by me
Sleeping bags: (top of the armoire, Pottery Barn Kids. They were a present from Nonnie for Christmas)
Nightstand: Old hand me down from my brother-in-law. We painted it white and gave it an antiqued look.
Lamp and shade: Target (I moved the rose covered one out, because it just didn't work with the colors in here anymore)
Shoes: Joyfolie (We are obsessed)
Bunk bed: "Catalina Bunk Bed" Pottery Barn Kids
Bookshelf: Land of Nod
Wall Color: BEHR "Planetary Silver"
Phew, I think that's it, but if I missed anything else you want to know about let me know.