
Friday, November 1, 2013

Our Halloween

Happy 1st of November everyone! Did everyone have a good Halloween last night? Ours was wonderful. But man, it was over in a flash. I hate how moments like that fly so fast. I wish time would slow down for them. We got the girls dressed up in the early evening and got started with our trick or treating early. They are still so young, that I figured they wouldn't be able to be out that late past their bedtimes. Princess insisted on seeing her costume in the "window" aka mirror, right away. I loved the way their costumes turned out. They both looked so freaking cute. We trick or treated along our street for about an hour. Plenty of candy to last them awhile. We have such a busy street on Halloween we wanted to get back home to catch a lot of the neighborhood trick or treaters! Our street is one of the busiest streets in our neighborhood. There are so many kids in our neighborhood its crazy! There were some points in the evening when our front door didn't close because the stream of costumed kids was so constant. It was very fun. We enjoyed hot Pumpkin Soup with rosemary and creme fraiche for dinner. Its to die for! I have been anxiously awaiting this soup since we had it for Halloween last year. And yummy Spiked Apple Ciders. What could be better? Strolling along in the crisp cold Fall weather with a cozy drink, watching your little pixies collect loads of candy in their adorable costumes? So fun. Childhood is so magical. And parenthood too. Its just amazing to watch YOUR children experience the same wonderful moments you did and to look back and remember. The best part is just witnessing the pure joy of all the new things they discover. Watching Princess this year was amazing. She got the trick or treating down. It was so fun to see. I only wish these sweet moments weren't over so fast.
Here are some pictures of our little sprites on their big night.

 Little Red.
 Big, bad, cutie patootie, wolf.
 What is this furry stuff?

 Love these fairytale girls. So sad its my last year picking Princess's costume.
 The girls with my handsome hubby.
 And with Momma.

 Our Halloween kitty.
 What is this amazing holiday?

 Princess's bag of loot.
 The goodies.
 Peanut's first experience with candy. I think she liked it.
 A lot.
 That was our Halloween night. Happy Halloween!

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