
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween everybody! Happy Candy Day! Happy October 31st! After weeks of Halloween crafts, recipes and projects, you are all probably like, "Get me outta here!". So, let me just say, me too. Although I am wicked excited to go trick or treating with the girls tonight. Pun intended. I'm mostly excited about watching how cute they will be in their costumes, but also a little excited for the warm adult drinks my husband and I will be carrying around. Yum! I know I promised you all a look at my front porch decorations, so I thought I would keep my promise and share that with you today. Even though its not as exciting as I aspired for it to be and I did consider not sharing it. Oh well, there's always next year! Anyway here are some pics of the front porch as well as a sneak peak of the girls costumes. I will share pictures of them in full costume tomorrow morning.
See, nothing too exciting. Simple. You can't really see her, but there's a cute little witch in the dirt on the right. Her sign says, "Boo Hoo". Which I never really understood.....I may change that next year.

 Still loving my Halloween Chalkboard Sign.
Our little "beware" sign. Scary, I know. You've been warned!
Halloween isn't Halloween without those annoying fake spider webs right? I cringe at the thought of putting them up every year. They are such a pain in the butt!
My glorious Halloween wreath that I got 60% off at Micheal's after Halloween one year. If you need decorations, that's the way to do it. Just wait until the holiday is over, then everything is on sale. My cute Fall Wreath had to get booted for awhile.

And here is the sneak peak of the girls Halloween costumes. I still have one or two finishing touches to put on them. Good thing I started weeks ago! I can't wait to see them all dressed up tonight!
Hope you all have a perfect Halloween filled with lots of candy and fun costumes! Happy Halloween!

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