
Thursday, April 17, 2014

Peter Rabbit Birthday Party

My sweet little baby turned 2 last weekend. I can't believe my baby is 2! Time flies by way too fast. I hate that her baby days are soon to come to an end. Just stay my little Peanut forever! She is the sweetest little thing. Always getting shoved around by her big sister and always taking it with a smile. Every morning she wakes up so happy and gives me the tightest hugs. I love her! I wish I was that happy to wake up in the morning. She is my little artist. I think she would color all day if I let her. And she colors in the lines! She is going to be really good at drawing like her Daddy, I know. I had so much fun planning this party for her and all the preparing and planning was so worth it. It was a beautiful party (if I say so myself) and a gorgeous day for it. The theme was Peter Rabbit. My sister had told me about these people who rent out LIVE bunnies for birthday parties and I knew at once that I had to figure out a way to get those bunnies! What could be more perfect than a Peter Rabbit theme? Peanut has gotten a lot of Peter Rabbit books and toys in the past so its kinda become her thing. Since this is probably the last year I can pick what she does for her birthday, I decided to take advantage and get those fluffy bunnies. Here are pictures of the event.

The Invites:

So I found these adorable Peter Rabbit invites on Etsy that were way too expensive. "Lettuce" leaf wraps and a "carrot" tie around each one. Freaking adorable. But there was no way I was gonna pay that much for the invitations for my 2 year old's birthday. But I thought, you know what? I really want these! So I got a much simpler invite and then made the "lettuce" leaf wraps and paper carrots myself. I made the wraps by painting simple white doilies with green watercolor paints, then I cut out the carrots from card stock and tied them on with baker's twine.
They ended up looking so sweet!

The Decor:
I purchased this little chalkboard sign last year for Peanut's birthday and it has been really fun to have throughout the year to put cute little sayings on it for holidays and such.

The birthday girl chair. She is getting too big for it, but she is still such a messy eater!

For whatever reason the first set of hydrangeas that I bought died within a day (maybe what I get for trying to be cheap and get them at Costco), so consequently I was rushing to go get fresh ones right before the party. And it turns out bunny balloons are really hard to find. You'd think it would be easier with it being Easter time. Oh the trials of being slightly OCD.

This little birdcage was a perfect addition to the decor. Then I just printed out a few different pictures of Peter Rabbit and put them in simple white frames then spread them throughout the party. It really added something special. I definitely will be using that idea for future parties. I pulled out all of the Peter Rabbit books we had a set them out, just in case someone had a spare minute to catch up on their reading.

The favor bag table. It worked out so perfectly that Easter is just around the corner. That way all the Easter bunny decorations fit right into the birthday party theme!

I made a chalkboard "stats" sign for Peanut. Got this new chalkboard from World Market a few weeks ago and I am loving it. I can't get enough of those chalkboard signs!

No party store in a 50 mile radius carried Peter Rabbit party items. Thank goodness for Amazon!

For the food we had turkey and swiss bunny shaped sandwiches for the kids. Brie, prosciutto and apple sandwiches with sage butter. So delicious! BLT sandwiches, Peter Rabbit squeezy packs (Only Starbucks sells them), Veggies with homemade ranch dip, bunny shaped sugar cookies with almond icing, and blackberries (because that's what good little bunnies eat).
This lil bunny is actually a Classic Winnie the Pooh, Rabbit. Looks just like Peter Rabbit to me!
The cute little terra cotta pots I got from Micheal's and they were just the thing to make you feel like you were in Mr. McGregor's garden.

The homemade ranch I made is actually a Paleo recipe. You would never know, because its so addicting!

The Entertainment:
So the bunny lady arrived 20 minutes after the party started and brought in two large Tupperware tubs full of bunnies. It was amazing. She opened the lid and all the kids squealed for joy at the sight of all those sweet bunnies snuggled together. Then we sat out on a blanket of the floor and everyone got to hold and snuggle the bunnies. I don't know if anyone was quite as excited as I was, but everyone loved it. We got the kids to hold still and play with the bunnies for a good 20 mins. The whole scene was just precious.

Seriously. This one looks exactly like the Velveteen Rabbit. And OMG it was the softest thing you will ever touch. It was like petting air!

Little miss Princess could barely contain herself. It was one bunny to the next with her. And she loved putting them into the baskets and holding them.

So fluffy I'm gonna die!!!

This one fell asleep on my lap! WAAAHHH! It's name was Banana. Kill me now. Too much cuteness!

The Cake:
I don't know why, but frosting this cake was a big issue. It fell apart as soon as the frosting touched it. Probably because I was being lazy and made a box cake. SHH! Don't tell. Anyway, that's why its a little slanted on one side.

She wasn't really sure what to do when the cake got to her. Mommy and big sister had to help her blow out the candles.

The Favors:

Since Peanut loves to color, I thought it was only fitting that we include some coloring pages for her friends.

These are handmade Peter Rabbit lollipops that I bought off Etsy. They were like cotton candy flavored or something. I snuck a mommy tax from Princess. It was delicious.

I got the little buttons on Amazon.

I made these little stuffed carrots. Perfect thing for decorating for Easter or for adding to your little one's kitchen set collection!

It turned out to be a pretty successful party! Happy 2nd Birthday my beautiful lil Peanut. I love you SO MUCH!

And look! We even got a picture all together! Which is a big deal because we forgot to on Peanut's 1st birthday.
Birthday girl doesn't look so happy there. Maybe just distracted by all her new toys.

That's it for our Peter Rabbit Birthday Party. Now if only we can convince Daddy to let us get some pet bunnies....Then life would be complete.

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