
Thursday, February 6, 2014

Candy Hearts Necklace

As a child, I loved Valentine's day. I loved getting those itty bitty cards with all forms of heart shaped candy attached to them. It was so much fun. Did anyone have one of those mini mailboxes, all decked out in hearts to hold your Valentine's loot? Maybe that was a kindergarten thing. I loved that thing. (They really don't do it like they did in the 80's huh?) It really is a holiday for all ages. And I know some of you may hate it. I know the single ladies may be cringing at every heart shaped craft I put up and I know some of you may even leave my blog for a few weeks just to escape all the heart-i-ness.....but its a holiday for everyone. Yeah, its a holiday celebrating love, but its not just the romantic kind. It can be a sister kind of love, a mother-daughter kind of love....hey, it can even be a love your dog kind of love. So don't be a party pooper, because its fun! There are a million kinds of love out there that deserve a day to celebrate all the love that is shared in the world.
Anyway, here is a another fun, easy Valentine's craft that is perfect for doing with the kids and great for wearing on V-day....if its lasts until then.

You will need:
Candy hearts (The Necco brand is my personal favorite)
Small white chocolate chips
Thin white yarn or string (The kind I have pictured was too thick)

1. Cut the string/yarn the length you want it to be. You just want it to fit around the neck and be able to tie it in a bow.

2. Lay out the candy hearts in the pattern you want them to be. Then place one white chocolate chip on each one.

3. Microwave the hearts in 15 second increments until the white chocolate is just melted.

4. Lay your piece of string over the white chocolate, then place another (matching) colored heart over the top, sandwiching it so that the string gets held in place.

5. Allow the chocolate to set for a few minutes, then its ready to wear! Surprisingly enough, Princess didn't gobble it up right away. I don't think she understood that it was an edible necklace, even though she was eating the supplies as we made it. But that's what its for, so go for it!

These would be great classroom valentines or party favors. It can get your little one involved in making their friends something special for Love Day! And if nothing else, its just a super fun craft to do with the munchkins on these cold cabin fever days!

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