
Monday, February 3, 2014

Birdhouse Love Nests

Did everyone catch that Superbowl game yesterday? The Seahawks killed those Broncos! YEAAAHH!!! It was amazing. I'm not usually a huge football fan. My idea of watching football is usually sitting on the couch playing on Pinterest or taking a nap. But I was excited to watch this game because I wanted the Seahawks to make up for the last time they were in the Superbowl, 8 years ago, when they pretty much had it stolen from them because of a bunch of bad referee calls and lost to those annoying Steelers! (My apologies to those Pittsburgh fans, but you have to admit, you're are a little annoying. It must be your strategy or something). And to have the Seahawks completely dominate the game was the perfect redemption! Loved it. Although I still recovering from the food overload. You can tell I was excited because I made spinach dip, sesame cauliflower "wings", bacon wrapped brats, baked zucchini, football shaped pizza pockets and football shaped rice krispie treats. It was all really yummy though. And obviously worth it because they won! Anyway, enough with the football talk....what is this, a sports blog? No. It's a craft blog. Back to business.

Princess and I had a fun morning and just spent a few hours decorating these cute wooden birdhouses. We had a few leftover from her Fairy Party last Summer and I thought they would be the perfect little things to make into little love houses. She of course loved it. I always forget how nice it is to do crafts with your kids. It keeps them preoccupied and quiet for hours! Plus you get to see that cute concentrated face they make as they work away with their pudgy little hands. Craft stores sell all shapes and sizes of these wooden houses. They even sell a pirate ship!

You will need:
A wooden house
Scrapbook paper
Glitter pens
Washi Tape
Paper Flowers
Fuzzy pom poms
Anything else you think might be fun to decorate with!

1. Lay out your supplies, roll up your sleeves, get your little buddy and get decorating!

Princess loves craft time!

 Our finished Love Nests.

 Princess's house.

 My house.

 Cleanup time!

After a few hours of relaxing crafting you will have some cute little houses to put in your home. So cute for Valentine's decor or little gifts for friends! Enjoy!

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