
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Fabric Dollhouse And Fabric Babies

Over the crazy holidays, (I'm not sure how I accomplished it, but I did) I made a few things that I am really proud of. So I thought I would share some of them with you. I decided to make one really cool thing for each of our girls to open on Christmas eve from their parents. Our tradition is to open any presents from anyone on Christmas Eve and then Santa presents ONLY on Christmas morning. So we give our kids at least one present from us on Christmas Eve, so that there is a better distinction between us and Santa. I wanted to give our little Peanut something really cool. We found she was really hard to shop for this Christmas, because anything we would have wanted to buy her, her big sister already had. And why would you buy two of them when they can share right? So I was pretty excited about this project I made for her. A Fabric Dollhouse with Fabric Babies to put inside. Perfect for her to tote around and play with. I found the idea from Making It Sweet via and based my house off of hers and the ones she based hers off of. You can find the other tutorials here and here. I hate following directions, so I basically looked at the pictures and then designed my own. But sometimes it helps to have actual measurements! I made mine a bit bigger than those in the tutorials because I wanted a decent sized dolly to fit inside. Here is how mine turned out.

My husband actually suggested using a zipper for the sides when I was having issues with closing up the sides with buttons. What would I do without him?

 I used boning (its used for making corsets) for the handle so that it would stay upright.
Not perfect by any means. Somehow not all of the edges lined up even though I cut them straight and I had to force the pieces together. But I thought it turned out pretty darn cute anyway. Too bad my little one wasn't as excited as I was!

Once I made the house, I moved onto making the babies to go inside. I figured the simpler the better. There are so many cute dolls being made these days that are plain and simple and somehow the cutest things ever. Like this one and this one from Land of Nod. So I found another tutorial for these cute Peanut Babies. Name coincidence? It was fate.
 I decided to make them little dresses too so they wouldn't be naked. All I did was cut out a little fabric, added some thin elastic to the top so that they would stay on and then I finished the bottom edges.

Night Night little baby!

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