
Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving! Happy Turkey Day! Happy eat everything you see and don't feel guilty day! Until tomorrow anyway. We are (thankfully, even though I do love being a hostess...), not hosting Thanksgiving this year and we are off to the in-laws to Hood River! I can't wait. Everything my mother-in-law makes is amazing, so basically I will come back next week 10 pounds heavier. Yeah, I'm not really kidding. I'm super excited! Hood River has gorgeous views, delicious food and great shopping. The best part is that its 4 days off of work to spend not working, with family. I hope you all have a perfect day and that you take advantage of the time with your family!

Some things I am thankful for:

My husband. He loves me and takes care of me and our family. He fixes things that I never could. Finds solutions I am too lazy to find. He never lets me get away with not talking about it when I'm in a bad mood. He is the most amazing father to our two daughters and he exceeds every expectation I ever had in a husband. He thinks I am the most beautiful woman in the world. Which makes me shudder to this day. I know he is crazy. But that's ok.

My 2 gorgeous daughters. Princess and Peanut (not their real names). Princess, is truly a princess and the girliest of girls. I thought I would have to force her to be like me, and she turned out that way anyway. I love her sense of imagination and her friendliness. She says hi to everyone we see. I wish I had that. Peanut has the sweetest soul I have ever seen. Her big sister both loves and beats on her, and she receives both with a gentle and accepting spirit. Her little voice saying "I love you" which is really hard to decipher for most people is the most amazing sound I have ever heard.

My family. I am one of 6 children and I have always loved it. I told my husband before we were married that I wanted to one-up my mother and have 7. Views change a little after you get knocked up the first time. I always loved our holidays together. Six kids seemed like it wasn't quite enough. There was so much love between us, but I wanted more. Nothing can describe the memories my siblings and I have shared together. I only hope my own kids can have half as much joy growing up. My parents, who were more generous than I appreciated when I was younger and I can't even believe their generousity now. They showed us one of the most beautiful marriages I have ever witnessed and I feel lucky, because now I can bring some of that into mine.  

My job.... I hate it. Really I do. But it allows me to stay home all the time with my girls and I would never trade that for anything. No career with cute suits or big promotions could sway me from what I have here at home with them. My poor husband, sees our two daughters during the week for maybe 3 hours a day. Its terrible! I am so lucky to be able to spend all day with them, even though at times it sends me searching through the wine bar by the end of the day.

This blog. I started this blog about 6 months ago now, not even sure that I wanted to really go through with it. I was so nervous and a little bit excited, but decided to just do it already! I found an outlet that I had been searching for, for a long time. I have always wanted to be a writer, and even though this isn't quite what I envisioned, it makes me happy and it keeps me sane. And now I've had over 10,000 views to my blog, which seems pretty amazing to me!

My readers. Yes. You! If this turned out to be something that only my mother and husband read, I think I would have curled up in a ball with a pint or two of ice cream (Ok, ok, wine) and deleted the thing. Crying. And determined that my talents were worthless. But you give me worth! You make me feel special! And you make me believe that I actually have good things to share. That is truly beautiful and I am so grateful to you all. I hope I can continue to share beautiful things with you and inspire you to create beauty in every way in your own homes.  

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! 

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