
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Pumpkin Carving

We got our act together this past weekend and carved pumpkins! I always forget how much work it is. I really don't blame people who don't do it because its freaking exhausting and I am really impressed with people that do super intricate designs because it probably takes them forever! It's one thing to carve 1 pumpkin. But 1 Mommy pumpkin, 1 Daddy pumpkin and 2 baby pumpkins, means a whole lot of work for Mommy and Daddy! Especially Daddy who is the best carver, scraper, artist and seed separator. Thank you my love! I learned last year that you don't want to get super crazy with the little ones pumpkins (or yours for that matter), otherwise you'll be up til midnight with pumpkin guts all over the kitchen. So we kept the girls pumpkins pretty simple. It was a fun night. I think our jack-o-lanterns turned out pretty cute this year.
 The Master Carver himself. My man.
 Our littlest pumpkin watching hers get carved while eating her dinner. Rough life right?
I made a yummy pasta with butternut squash and sage for dinner. Princess of course ate every part of her dinner except the squash. Go figure.
 I couldn't believe that she actually wanted to scoop guts out!

Since obviously it would be a little silly to let a 3 year old handle a knife to carve a pumpkin, my husband came up with this genius idea. He carved all the pieces out, then stuck them back in with toothpicks so that she could pull them all out. It was a perfect way to let her be involved without injuries!
 She thought it was great. Talk about the Princess way to carve a pumpkin!

And then she decided that raw pumpkin looked like a yummy treat. Boy was she surprised! Too funny. She wouldn't eat the cooked butternut squash at dinner, but the raw pumpkin somehow looked totally appetizing!
 Ta da!

Here is the little Peanut's pumpkin. Her bedtime rolled around before we finished hers so we didn't get a picture with her and her pumpkin. We'll have to get it on Halloween night.
 My pumpkin! I got this cute idea from the HGTV website. It seemed simple enough. But it took forever!
4 lil pumpkins all in a row.....

All ready for Halloween! 2 more days til Candy Day!!!

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