
Monday, October 14, 2013

Halloween Chalkboard Sign

Good morning friends! Hope everyone had a good weekend. We were able to get out of town for the weekend and it was so nice. We went to our favorite apple farm and stocked up on glorious Honey Crisp and Granny Smith apples and a few different types of pears and a couple butternut squashes (they are my favorite Fall veggie). As soon as we arrived Princess picked herself out an apple that was the size of her head and started eating it (before we bought it). She ate the whole thing, I couldn't believe it.
The little munchkins next to the HUGE pumpkin. It looks fake in the pictures, but its actually a real pumpkin.
 Family photo!
It was a fun trip. I love having a huge stock of fruits and veggies in my garage. I am pretty excited about it. I have the intention of juicing quite a bit over the next few weeks to try and slough off a few pounds. You know, before the big Thanksgiving stock up. I will probably end up feeding them all to the girls (they are fruit eating monsters) but at least the intention is there! Its great because the apples you get from the farm can stay good in your cool garage until about December! Amazing huh!? And they are WAY better than the apples you get at the grocery store. Definitely worth a trip to the farm. I have never actually picked apples from the tree, but I want to do that sometime as I am sure its fun.
So I don't have a tutorial for today because this project I worked on over the weekend is pretty self-explanatory, but I at least wanted to show it to you because I am so proud of it! I am hoping I can re-use the old board I painted over (with chalkboard paint) for a Christmas sign. Anyway, here it is.

My witch in the corner still needs to be stuck in the ground somewhere. Don't mind her. I still have quite a bit I want to do for the front porch decoration as well. Geez! So much to do, so little time. I gotta get going on the girl's costumes too!
I'm totally proud of my sign. It was actually a really fun project. The girls were of course busy and misbehaving when I was trying to work on it, but it was fun (and hard!) to try all the different fonts and designs. I feel pretty artistic and that's usually not my field. I usually pass all artistic jobs over to my husband, but I am proud of myself for achieving something this presentable!

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