
Monday, July 29, 2013

The Great Big Fairy Party Reveal!

Hello everyone! Its finally time for the Princess's big fairy party reveal! I worked hard (planning, plotting, sewing, glue-ing) on this party and I am very excited to finally share it with you. Thank goodness I don't have to plan another one until next year.
I found the perfect party invitations from You can see them here. I just don't think anything could have been as perfect for the fairy theme. I love them! And it was great because they came with matching thank you notes so that made my life a little easier.
Greeting the pixies, fairies and elves.
I love this little chalkboard sign I picked up at Michaels (for a few bucks). I have now used it for both my daughter's birthday parties and I love that I can change out the message so that it can be used year round.
Artwork provided by my talented husband.
As you entered our house we had the Fairy and Elf dressing station set up in the dining room. All their skirts, wings, hats, crowns and wands were set up for them to get into their festive party wear. Unfortunately a lot of the kids (including my own birthday girl) were a little reluctant to put on anything. So much for my weeks of slaving!

The wings were an issue. I couldn't find wings in the colors that I wanted. So I ended up buying plain white "angel" wings, hand dying them and adding embellishments.

I think the fairy wands were my favorite thing that I created for the party.

Wands for the elves. I'm surprised they didn't get turned into "swords".

Fairy crowns

Elf hats
It was an afternoon party, so I decided to go more in the direction of snacks for the food. Plus it is so much easier! Everything that was served, kept up with the fairy theme. The fairy food, consisted of "twigs and acorns" (pretzels and popcorn), "fairy berries", "snail rolls" (highrollers bought from Costco), "meringue mushrooms" (the birthday Princess's favorite of the day), Pixie Stix, "fairy bread" (made by a friend) and "mushroom cupcakes". It turned out to be perfect party food. There was not a crumb of popcorn left by the time everyone went home. The snail rolls were a different think its cause I called them "snail rolls"?
The spread.

Twigs and acorns.

Fairy berries

Snail rolls

Fairy bread

Mushroom meringues

Mushroom cupcakes

For the decor I focused on the outside, since I knew it would be a warm day and everyone would want to be out there. We put up our "Happy Birthday" sign (inside), my husband and I strung 18 tissue paper balls (in green, pink and purple. The party colors) across the yard, we hung a fairy bower that the kids could play in and I got cute little fake flowers that could be stuck into the ground. My husband built a small table (using an old piece of fence we had lying in the yard) and sawed all kinds of (free) firewood (I acquired from craigslist), then screwed them together with plaques I got from Michael's. I then sewed fabric mushroom tops and hot glued them on the top of the stools. The table and stools we made served as the kid's craft station, where they could paint and decorate "fairy houses" (little bird houses). The houses that they created could then be taken home as the party favors in addition to the costumes.

Our good old Happy Birthday sign.

I got sweet peas from our local farmer's market and spread them throughout.

I was able to catch a couple fairies for the occasion. :)

I love sweet peas. They smell so amazing. And my mother in law informed me that they aren't easy to find, so I was lucky to have them for the party.

The fairy bower.

Since my real flowers are still not blooming, I got these cute fake ones from the party store.

The craft table

Little toadstool.

This was actually post party. I'm surprised it didn't look messier!
Things kind of got out of order as the party went on. It was supposed to be: craft, food, cupcakes and Happy Birthday song, then presents. I think it ended up being something like: food, cupcakes, craft, food, presents, cupcakes. The OCD in me was going nuts. But its just the way things happened and I think Princess had a great party. I would constantly find her reaching up (with her cute pudgy hand) the counter to steal a meringue mushroom. I think that's literally all she ate, plus a few licks of cupcake frosting of course.
One of the few pictures I actually have of her wearing her costume.

Look at those long gorgeous locks.
Peanut loved running around the party exploring.

And what do you think she is eating? A meringue mushroom of course.

Two cute little pixies.

One of the completed "fairy houses".

Throwing a fit about something

Opening presents. And yes, that is her smiling face.

She got spoiled rotten by all our family and friends. There are so many cute toys for girls!

Happy Birthday dear Princess!

She blew out the candles before I could put it down.

Enjoying her cupcake. AH! Look at that adorable pudge! Sadly I think that's the last of it. She is really thinning out.

Pooped from the party.

She looks like Alice in Wonderland here, eating mushrooms.

Wearing some of her new presents.

And yes! We actually got a family photo! YAY!
The party was a success and I think Princess really enjoyed it. I am excited to see what she requests for her party next year. She will be old enough to decide what she wants and it will be interesting to see what new things she is into. I am up for a different challenge! A baking party? A unicorn party? A pirate party? We'll just have to wait a year and see.

Hope you have all enjoyed seeing the Princess's 3rd birthday party. I don't think I'll have any parties to plan for awhile, (thank god) but Halloween is coming....

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