
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Road Trip Diary / Day 2

Day 2
Happy 4th of July!!! We arrived at our friend's house in the Palo Alto area at 7:30am after driving all through the night. We were exhausted but happy that we made it. The girls woke up of course (they usually wake up around 7-7:30) and we tried to put them back down so that we could get an hour or two of sleep. But of course, once they were awake, they were ready to go. So I decided to let the hubby sleep (since he had done most of the driving) and our friend and I took the girls on a long walk to a great near-by park. It was a huge park with a lake and tons of play structures and tons of geese. Princess of course called them "ducks" and wanted to pet them. It was the 4th and everyone was setting up their picnic blankets and tents and staking their claims for the day. And remember, this was like 8 in the morning. People are serious about getting their 4th of July spots!
We walked back to the house and got ready for the day and then headed to a great pancake house for breakfast. It was actually like noon but we hadn't eaten anything yet (even our poor girls. Seriously, what terrible parents we are!) and breakfast was just the thing to wake us up and get us ready for the day. The owner of the restaurant kept coming over and saying with a thick (perhaps Russian) accent how, "Be-you-tee-fool!" the girls were. So cute.
Luckily, after that it was already time for the girls to nap. (Peanut was practically falling asleep in the highchair at the restaurant) And we were all for sleeping more after the previous night. So we went back to the house for a group nap. Princess refused to nap and got into her bubbles.....and then freaked out because she was all wet. Little stinker. Needless to say it wasn't a very restful nap. After that we toured around Stanford University and the Palo Alto shopping area.

The Stanford campus was beautiful and HUGE! And look, there's my home-made 4th of July shirt!
It was a beautiful area. We had dinner at this restaurant called the Slider Bar which had tons of different kinds of sliders and beers. Veggie sliders, Portabello mushroom sliders, bacon and cheese sliders....Yum!The service sucked....but the food was good. The girls started falling apart at dinner so after that we headed back to the house. As we were debating about whether or not we should go out and watch some fireworks, Princess started freaking out when she heard the fireworks going off around us. She ran into the house and said, "Mommy, I want to go inside. I can't watch!" Oh well. Maybe next year she'll be ready. It ended up being better that way. We sat on our friend's back patio and visited while the neighborhood's fireworks went off around us and the girls sat inside watching Little Einsteins.

To Be Continued...

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