
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Lace Crowns

I saw these lace crowns on (and we won't go into how long I spend on that site) and I knew I would be making them one day. They are so cute and so easy to do. Perfect for the dress up collection. I used this tutorial for help, although I didn't make mine quite as fancy as hers. I love glitter, but I'm not a big fan of how its gets everywhere. I have a feeling I'm gonna have a hard time escaping it though.... I have two girls. Princess is such a girlie girl. I thought I would never allow "Barbie Pink" in my house either, but it seems to be seeping in gross.

You will need:
Lace (You can find it in white, silver and gold)
Fabric Stiffener
A round mold
Embellishments if you want (if you want: glitter, flowers, ribbon)

1. Measure and cut your lace around the little ones head (although you can make these in all sizes)

2. Soak the lace in the fabric stiffener making sure to squeeze all the excess out.

3. Wrap the lace around your mold (a bowl, a coffee container, anything round that is generally the same size as you want the crown) but make sure you wrap the mold with plastic wrap first, so it doesn't get all gross. I held mine together with a rubber band, but you can also hold it together with a clothespin....which may be easier. Let dry. (And don't worry if it looks white, it will dry clear)
4. Lift off the crown and hot glue the edges together. Embellish if desired.

Fit for a Princess!!!

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