
Friday, May 17, 2013

A Springtime Walk

Yesterday after getting done with work I was completely exhausted. Not much different than any day, but even more so. Ever have those days where work just SUCKS the life and soul out of you? Yeah, me too. I should have worked out. I haven't worked out nearly as much as I would like to lately. But I just couldn't. It was partly sunny outside so I decided to take the babes on a walk so I could get a breath of fresh air. As much as I love getting all my aggression out during a workout, sometimes a walk is just more refreshing. I'm so glad I did.
I love living in Washington. It so green and lush and calming. And I LOVE the soothes the soul. But it wasn't raining. It was clear, but with large fluffy clouds in the sky and the temperature was perfect. The sun was just starting to go down and it made the trees and nature around us glow. I packed up some old crusty bread and we headed for one of the neighboring duck ponds. It was simply lovely. No one was there but us; the only sounds were the bullfrogs in the pond, the ducks wading their way over to us and an occasional "clink" from the golfcourse nearby. Princess loved throwing the bread to the ducks. Although after awhile she just kept throwing them one after the other without waiting for the ducks to eat them. Peanut just sat in the stroller watching us, occasionally thinking it was funny that we were throwing things at the ducks.
We started to walk around the pond, to see what other views there were, when all of the sudden a bunch of crows swarmed above us, I was looking down at my camera when there was a large splashing noise and the crows around us cawed incessantly. I looked up and a large bald eagle was flying away with a fish in its claws! I pointed it out to Princess, but I don't think she saw it. It was amazing. A sign or something right? It all happened so fast. I was sad that I didn't catch it on the camera that was IN MY HANDS!! So typical right? You go on a walk to connect with nature and the one second you take to play with your technology you MISS the most amazing sight! Ugh! I was glad that I caught even the smallest sight of it at any rate.
The good part about me having my camera with me is that I got some good shots along the way so that I can share with you. Here they are.

Here they come!

About to fall in!


Hanging out in the UppaBaby

Our friends

Princess LOVES her flowers

Making a wish

Entrance to the fairy forest

"Look Momma, a bunny!"

And of course we had to make a stop at her favorite spot, the park. I would have taken more pictures, but she literally just does the slide over and over and over....

And that was the end of our Springtime walk. So peaceful and refreshing. We are so lucky to live in such a beautiful place.

On a final note, we are going garage sale-ing tommorow, so I hope to find lots of cool things for future projects. I am going to be on the lookout for, furniture (that can be refinished and remade), fabrics (that can be used for various crafts) and any other interesting things to fix up. I will post my finds over the weekend and you can keep your eye out for them in future posts! Have a great weekend!

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